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  • trashcanfortrashth

Day T + 2: Feelin God in this 7/11

I don’t know if I mentioned how peaceful Taipei feels despite being a big city. There’s an underlying calmness that is easy to relax into. It’s nice.

Bangkok is not like that. It’s like the wild cousin, with the same kind of plant + building composition but more jungle. They have about a billion more telephone wires all running together with vines growing along side it. Even the trees look a little bit more wild.

And I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve never been here before or my no-sleep, fight or flight adrenaline is kicking in but it’s definitely overwhelming. There are A Lot of People and not a lot of sidewalks. It’s chaotic in an efficient way that an American city could never hope to be.

Honestly, I’m bordering on plane levels of exhaustion, so I really can’t provide a lot of thought about what happened today, so here’s the run through in vague paragraph form.

We walked past a lot of sit down restaurants, but there were literally no people in them. And then there was McDonald’s, which was The Place To Be. We decided to get food (not at Micky D’s. We’re American, not desperate. Yet.) and we ended up sitting at the restaurants for a few hours. They had a store cat, who was very uninterested in receiving pats from us but was still very cute (napping in a drawer, feet tucked in levels of cute). Somehow we made it back to our Airbnb and went to 7/11, which is also The Place To Be.

You know how when you’re super tired, your vision does that swoopy thing and your teeth stop feeling like bones and more like play doh? Yeah. There were def dissociation vibes that kicked in on our way there. There were geckos on restaurant signs and lightning flashing across the sky. I don’t even remember what happened in the 7/11 or getting back to the room or showering. All I know is that I passed out and then woke up and tried to write this and failed.

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