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  • trashcanfortrashth

Day T + 6: Big Boats and High Seas

We finally made it on the boat.

If that sounds like the lead up to a story, it is and it isn’t. There were a lot of small mishaps on the way from the airport to this moment, that don’t require a lot of detailed retelling, mostly just chasing around a lost bag in a van and trying to efficiently exchange money. But we’re here and things seem okay. There’s still time for the boat to sink, but hey, we’re traveling for the memories, not the experience.

We’re currently in the hull, where we had to retreat to after it started pouring on the deck. Which is a bummer because we were just getting to the good part of the Moana soundtrack. But it just be like that sometimes. I also got the really awesome opportunity to flash literally everyone as we were trying to escape the rain. I was thinking boat = low intensity traverse = dress, but I was wrong. Sometimes boat = sudden storm = lots of wind = bad for dress.

You learn all sorts of fun things when you travel.

But now we’re inside. It’s very quiet and very empty in here and the people who are here are sleeping through the waves. I don’t understand that. I’m torn between trying to appreciate the aesthetic of plowing through the sea and the storm like we’re on a secret boat, escaping famine and war, and trying to keep my lunch inside my body. Mostly the latter as I don’t have that much Thai money left and I need to make it count. But also because I’ve already sacrificed enough of my dignity today.

For a long ass time, I always believed that when you got motion sick, you had to keep your eyes open and on the horizon.

The second thing I learned today is that that’s bs. I was sitting here, suffering but trying to be strong by keeping my eyes on the prize and definitely going to puke. And then I decided to take a note from everyone else and lay down and take a nap.

So that was a beautiful discovery. I woke up to people moving around. I thought we were landing but we aren’t. They’re all still congregated by the stairs though.

Oh wait.

Okay, I see the island. It’s still storming and foggy out and feels lightly like we just boated our way into the eye of the storm. But we’re here now so.

The boat really is super cool though. There aren’t a whole lot of people and they’re all spread out on the rows and sleeping. There’s a couple that’s worked out the most efficient use of space for cuddling, which is super cute and also really adds that final touch like we’re making a Great Escape. I know I’m romanticizing, but it looks like they’ve only got their backpacks and themselves like they’re taking on the world.

Anyways, I’m done being creepy at that couple. We’re in the room now. It hasn’t stopped raining but I don’t really mind. It would be nice to go out and explore or swim but the bungalow is nice and we have a porch.

But we’re also getting hungry and we need to brave the storms for some food, so hopefully we will be successful in our journey.

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