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Day T + 8: Cock Fighting and Peanut

Today was slow.

Which I’m very thankful for, as I’ve obtained The Worm (illness of vague origin and form; just generally feeling Not Great) and needed to rest.

We did eventually rally and head out to see some beaches. That beautiful couple from the Netherlands told us about a beach they had hiked to. They said it had a lot of trash, but that it still managed to be the most amazing beach they had ever seen. I’m not sure how that works, but they seem like they’ve seen a lot of beaches.

I was interested in seeing how the view still beat out the trash, but we never made it there. The waves were too high to take a boat there, so we ended up going to a different beach.


The boat that I’m talking about is a smaller version of the one we went on yesterday. It’s like a taxi, but a boat, so it’s way cooler. We pull into this beach and there’s no one there, they have a coconut stand, and there’s errant chickens. All good things.

So we get to sit in peace (mostly), and enjoy our coconuts and the general scenery.

I did say mostly.

Remember what I said about the good of the coconut needing the balance of the bees.

Today, it was a chicken.

And this was no ordinary chicken. It was like the sports car of chickens. It was sleek and built for speed, with a stylish black and white coat and long legs made for coconut pursuit.

It went down like this:

Marisa and Kelly were taking pictures. I was on coconut duty. They had left theirs up on their towels and I happened to look back as the chicken began its investigation of our things.

It became very clear very fast that if we were to have any coconut that day, I was going to have to intervene.

I was able to get the coconuts, but the chicken was not scared of me at all and I was very scared of it. It never outright pursued me, but it would take confident strides toward me at an alarming speed and gave me the dirtiest look any living thing has ever given me.

But I still got the coconuts.

Man Vs. Wild

After that, we returned to our hotel. Now, Phi Phi is known for being a party island (and has the infamous buckets), and we’ve been seeing people wander around, looking like they’re ready to rage, so we figured that tonight was the night.

But every bar we walked past was closed. We could hear the sound of music and heavy bass in the distance, but it didn’t seem to be from any kind of definitive source. So we never found the party.

But we did find lots and lots of cats. I wasn’t even mad that we couldn’t find the bar. I made so many friends. There were also lots of bats, which rabies.

Fight the bat. Pet the cat.

There was a best cat though and we named him Peanut. He kept showing up at our bungalow and sleeping outside. He was very cute and I wanted to let him in but Marisa is allergic. I would commit murder for cat cuddles, but I do like Marisa, so sacrifices will be made.

(Peanut, less formally known as Nut Boi)

We leave Phi Phi tomorrow, which kind of sucks. I’m ready to be here for a while, but alas, there are things to see and stuff to do so.

And we have an early boat tomorrow, so I must rest.

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