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  • trashcanfortrashth

Day T + 9: The Great Migration

We are departing from Phi Phi, which is honestly tragic. We’re currently taking another boat back to the mainland and we’re squished up on the side walkway, trying to stay outside in the wind but away from the sun. It’s working and we get a solid view of the cliffs as we depart.

I feel like often times when I’m describing things, I find myself wanting to say things like “I really don’t have words for this” or “I just, don’t even know”. And that’s fine if you want to portray shock and awe but I want to remember this.

The boat is a bright light blue and green. It’s sunny out and there’s a mix of stratospheric and puffy clouds dashed across the sky that makes the horizon look impossibly wide. The walkway is just narrow enough to where my legs can’t quite fold up to fit so I have to stick my feet through the railing.

Yeah, just kidding. I don’t know how to describe this in anyway that’s memorable, only that I’m tired and it feels like I’m being shuttled across dimensions in the most peaceful way and not escaping a war torn country like last time.

There’s a lot to say, but we have a long day of traveling ahead that’s looking to be a little spicy, so for now I’m going to lay down in this shade and take a nap.

To quote Kelly, “I feel like today has been so many days.”

We really Traversed The Land today, through all the elements. We did it all, earth (van + taxi + legs), air (plane x2), and sea (big boat boi). The fire comes in metaphorically, as the whole day was spicy, especially the visa process.

We’re currently sitting in the Hanoi International Airport in Vietnam, trying to get Marisa a visa.

Well, Marisa is trying to get Marisa a visa. Kelly and I are not very helpful. But we’re all dissociating in this visa area right now.

I don’t even really know what to talk about right now. The airport floor is very shiny and there are no people here. It’s 9 PM. There’s a tiny sticker on the floor next to my shoe of a bunny that has 3s for eyes and that’s really indicative of the whole mood right now. All of the people who work here are wearing snappy military uniforms that look very official but also make me kind of nervous. They all have stars on their shoulder pads.

It might be jumping the gun to say that this whole day of travel has gone exponentially better than expected because Marisa is still in line for her visa but damn. We got on a boat, which historically hasn’t been great for us, but the sky was clear and the sea was calm and we got to nap in the shade of the bow. We made both of our flights with no issues. The planes didn’t crash. Even the visas, which we all did at the last possible second (would definitely not recommend, but we for sure knew about it and still waited so it follows). Marisa just happens to have her spare passport picture that’s needed for the visa. And now we’re through customs and eating pho.

I’m happy, but also suspicious about this. But it doesn’t matter right now. We’re gonna go hunt food down and then find our hotel and finish this day of Death Traverse. We started at 9 am and it is now 9:54 pm. Not the longest, but definitely the most involved traveling I have ever done. But it’s time to rest before my body shuts down completely.

Godspeed lads.

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